Have you ever considered what it may take to purchase a home? Or how simple it actually could be? Maybe you already understand, but if not- that is the intent of this blog. Providing positive affirmations, education, and creating enjoyable housing futures for my client friends, family, and future clients is my ultimate goal.
Once a year, typically at the beginning of the year, we find ourselves making a resolution, or striving to make a positive change for the better. Happy New Year, my friend! This year, what do you have planned? Weight loss? Organization? Being more positive? What if I told you, that home ownership could absolutely be within your New Year’s Resolution parameter?
This year could be your year to stop paying your landlord’s mortgage and make a great investment, not only in yourself, but for yourself as well. With interest rates remaining historically low, you could actually purchase a home with little to no money down- Yes, I said no money down*- and your monthly mortgage payment could be less than your are paying for rent. And guess what, you can have that pet you’ve always wanted, paint the walls, and hang curtains without fear of losing a damage deposit. There are some excellent first time home buyer programs available and great resources for financing your first home, investment homes, or second/ third home! Now is your time! So, why not at least check into what programs may suit your needs?
With those simple thoughts in mind, I invite you to call me for a FREE buyer’s consultation. Let’s chat- no pressure in regards to purchasing, but rather coming up with a game plan and educating you on the home purchasing process that fits you and your family’s needs to the upcoming year.
Cheers to an excellent 2016- I look forward to visiting with you and your family!
Well wishes from my family to yours,
Kele Osborn
Windermere Real Estate/ NCW
kele@windermere.com — 509-630-9696
*- terms and conditions may apply
*Licensed in the state of Washington under Windermere Real Estate/ NCW*